

The following information is provided as a cut-and-paste resource for conference & professional development organizers, podcast hosts, and other interested parties.

Please feel free to use anything here as-is without checking with us first. If you have additional questions, you can email us directly.


A lot of kids who struggle with anxiety and anger get stuck and many parents struggle with how to help their children.

The child therapists at Kid Matters Counseling help children lower their anxiety, manage their anger, and equip parents with tools to confidently parent their children.


Contact Susan Stutzman for interviews. [email protected]

Phone number: (855) 543-7687 x700

  1. How do I explain difficult topics (e.g. sex) to my kids? 
  2. How do I deal with my child’s anxiety? 
  3. Why is understanding my child’s anger so important as a parent?

For therapists’ continuing education

  • Play Therapy 101
  • Dealing with Divorce in the Play Therapy Process
  • The Magic Sand Trays in Play Therapy

For teacher education

  • Addressing Sibling Rivalry
  • Spotting and Working with Preschool Special Needs

For parent talks

  • Helping My Anxious Child


FACTS ABOUT Kid Matters Counseling

One of the bests staff Professional Development trainings we have had!  Susan gave my staff at Hinsdale Community Preschool valuable information for working with our preschool students! I feel my staff has great tools to utilize when working with our preschoolers.”

Ann Berlino | Director, Hinsdale Community Preschool

Ask Us Anything!

We help anxious kids and frustrated parents. We serve Hinsdale & the Western Suburbs of Chicago.

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© 2025 Kid Matters Counseling, P.C.

Kid Matters Counseling, P.C. DISCLAIMER: This website and blog are for informational, educational and general discussion purposes only. It is understood that no guarantee or warranty arises from the information provided, discussed or commented upon in this website and blog nor does it constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. Access to this website and blog is voluntary and at the sole risk of the user. If you think that you have a medical emergency (including clinical), call your doctor or 911 immediately. A licensed medical professional should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. While the information contained within this website and blog is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided is correct, complete, and/or up-to-date.   See our complete Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.