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Worry Wishing Trail

This experiential book was written to help children overcome their worry so they can experience the fullness of being a child free from the burdens of worry.

When Sessions End

This book is intended for a therapist or parent of a child in therapy to read to a client to promote a healthy understanding of therapy sessions coming to an end.

Pocket Reframes

Quick tips on how to connect with your child even with their limitless energy and big emotions!

Kid Matters Counseling Testimonials Image

Books That Make the Most of Storytime

Our top 45 age-appropriate books to level up your child’s language skills and speaking ability!

Books That Make the Most of Storytime

Most Popular Resources

15 Signs of Childhood Anxiety

Discover if your child might be struggling with anxiety and how to help.

5-Day Parenting Challenge

Make meaningful connections with your kids in 5 minutes or less.

A Parent’s Guide
To Childhood ADHD

This is a comprehensive guide for parents to understand ADHD in children.

childhood adhd

Divorce & Children
Definitive Guide for Parents (2021)

We’ll help you cultivate healthy, thriving children even when a separation or loss occurs within the home.

Mom Hugging Children

Teapot Regulation

A fun and interactive way for you to keep your children regulated and help them tackle their big emotions.

Other Resources

Family Screen Time Contract

Start the conversation today and help keep your kiddos safe and informed.

Susan is a gifted clinician and always eager to be at the cutting edge of what works best to help kids thrive. On top of that, I spent 15 minutes in the Kid Matters’ play therapy space and I didn’t want to leave! She’s got the best toys!
Matthew Hanlon

Owner & Founder, Cedar Tree Counseling, Ltd.

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We help anxious kids and frustrated parents. We serve Hinsdale & the Western Suburbs of Chicago.

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