Circle of Security Parenting™ Program
The World’s Best Job Is Also The Hardest; Don’t Parent Alone!
At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you.
The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.
Our trained Facilitators work with parents and care-givers to help them:
their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs
their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions
the development of their child’s self esteem
the innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure
About the Circle of Security™ Parenting Group
Join parents like you that want to learn and practice a simple way to help strengthen their parent-child relationship.
This 8-week reflective parenting group begins on March 6, 2025. It will run for eight consecutive weeks on Thursdays lunch from 9:30 am – 10:45 am (no meeting on April 3rd due to Spring Break). The group is intended for parents and caregivers with pre-school/kindergarten children.
The Circle of Security Parenting™ program utilizes video examples and reflective questions to help support your parent-child relationship and to better equip you to understand and respond to your child’s needs. As you begin to implement Circle of Security™ Parenting in your home you will be supporting your child to feel more secure and confident so they can explore, learn, grow, and build positive relationships – all essential skills for life-long success.
Group size is limited so register today!
Next Group: March 6th through May 1st, 2025
Thursdays, 9:30 am – 10:45 am (in person)
Cost: $350 for 8 weeks
Who should attend:
Parents and Caregivers of children 2-years to 5-years old
How to register:
Contact Sue DiSanto 855-543-7687 x0 or email [email protected]
You can also register using our contact form linked below.
Join the waitlist
Group Dates: TBD
Group Times:
Meet Your Facilitator
Cheryl Welsh
Clinical Director | Child Therapist | MA LCPC, RPT-S, I/ECMH-C
Foster care, adoption, serious illness, or grief & loss are difficult disruptions in a child’s life. I specialize in child attachment disorders and work closely with parents to renew peace and joy in the home.
“I found it very helpful to walk amongst other remarkable parents who are in the same season of life. It was very validating to know that they experienced the same struggles and it helped me to feel less alone in this parenting journey.”
– Local Parent
“This program has given me a great foundation for parenting and has brought our family closer together. I hope all parents can experience this program.”
– Mother of Three
New Clients Call: (855) 586-1802
Current Clients: (855) 543-7687
Ask Us Anything!
We help anxious kids and frustrated parents. We serve Hinsdale & the Western Suburbs of Chicago.
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