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Has your family been blessed through adoption but you’re struggling to understand your child and what they may need?  Perhaps, the very young child you brought into your home with love and high hopes remains disconnected, unaffectionate, and lashes out.

Take a deep breath for there is hope. Feeling the joy of parenting and experiencing those connected moments with your child is possible.

Attachment based play therapy is one of the few therapeutic interventions that can help an adopted child with a history of early trauma and attachment needs.


Attachment based treatment that includes knowledge of current brain research and the principles of Theraplay® has shown a lot of success.  

Theraplay is a structured play therapy for children and their parents/caregivers.  Its goal is to enhance attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement.

Therapy sessions provide a context for change through the therapist actively creating opportunities for emotional connection. Parents are generally involved in sessions so that attachment builds between child and parent (rather than child and therapist).

Parental involvement is also encouraged so that you can leave sessions with new tools in your toolbox to use right away in helping your child at home.      

Even after a child has been adopted and brought into a loving stable home, the invisible scars of their early neglect and trauma can have a lasting effect on their growth and development.  

Attachment issues left untreated can interfere with their ability to establish and maintain relationships later in life.  

Early intervention is important.  It can help create new neurological pathways in your child’s brain for healthy social relationships.  It can also reshape your family life and give your child the tools to thrive.    

I help parents restore the joy of parenting an adoptive child. Call for a free phone consultation or to schedule an appointment today!  855-543-7687 x702

Cheryl Welsh

Cheryl Welsh

Child Therapist | LCPC, RPT

Parenting a child with emotional and behavioral needs can be overwhelming. I respect the courage it takes to engage in counseling. I strive to provide treatment that honors your values and traditions and help you connect with your child on a deeper level.
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