Becoming a foster parent can create a lot of joy and positive experiences, but it can also be a stressful time as your family dynamics are going to shift.
I am Taylor Simerly, a child therapist at Kid Matters Counseling, and I’m going to share these five tips in order to help you prepare to be a foster care placement family.
Tip #1 – Have a Family Meeting
First, have a conversation with all members of your family to discuss what they might be able to expect and how they can come to you with their thoughts or feelings about other children joining your family.
Tip #2 – Create a Calm & Inviting Space
Second, for the child coming into the home, create a calm and inviting space where the youth can go when they are feeling overwhelmed including; blankets, stuffed animals and nightlights. Also, have a space where they can display some of their items they brought with them.
Tip #3 – Have Accessible Snacks
Third, have plenty of snacks accessible to them as children coming into care have often experienced food insecurities and may need visual reassurance.
Tip #4 – Create a Daily Routine
Fourth, have the daily routine written out where it is visible, like on the refrigerator so they know what to anticipate for each day
Tip #5 – Show Them You’re Available to Listen
Fifth, Have an item or a talking rug that the child can bring to you or sit at when they have feelings they would like to share so they know you are available to listen without any judgment.
Bonus Tip – Remember to Breathe
Lastly, and here’s a bonus tip, remember to breathe and have patience with yourself as this is a time of learning and growing. It can be challenging to prepare your home to become a foster care family, and you may encounter unexpected obstacles along the way.
For example, you may need to adjust your daily routine to accommodate the needs of a foster child, or you may face difficult decisions about how to handle certain situations. But with perseverance, support, and a willingness to learn and adapt, you can create a safe and loving home for a child in need.
If you are in need of extra support during this time of transition, reach out today and schedule an appointment, we would be honored to partner with your family to work through this season of change!

Taylor Simerly
Child Therapist
Utilizing a strengths based approach, I can help your child explore positive tools so they feel empowered and supported every step of the way.
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